Gender Diversity Staff PD
With the release of the policy and implementation guideline for Respecting and valuing gender diverse, intersex and sexually diverse students in Lutheran Learning Communities, the LESNW regional office committed to sourcing appropriate staff PD and leadership consultancy. We embarked on a three-way collaboration between the regional office, Lucy Hackworth (Upstream Projects and old scholar of Cornerstone College) and SHINE SA. Please find details of the package we have developed here as well as a bio of Lucy Hackworth.
The training Lucy offers does not include an overview of the LESNW policy. If you would like this to be part of the training, I can provide a 30-minute overview (including background story, summary of theological perspectives, main components of the policy) at no cost. This could be done either the same day Lucy presents, or at a different time.
Please communicate directly with Lucy regarding her package, and with myself regarding what I can offer.
Stuart Traeger
Spiritual & Cultural Leader