Mission & Vision

Our Mission

We are committed to excellence in learning as God’s gift to everyone for their wonder, holistic growth and inspiration, responding to the needs of the world and all people.

Our Vision

Lutheran Education SA, NT & WA (LESNW) is a community of learning communities that is thriving, supportive and compassionate, collaborating to enable each community to achieve their vision.

Responding To God's Grace We Are Committed To:

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Building Capability
Providing Direction
Enhancing Relationships

Strategic Intentions

The Lutheran Education SA, NT & WA Strategic Intentions 2024-27 have been formed through the Board to provide clarity of direction to associated learning communities, for the next three years. It is a document for LESNW collectively, that when outworked will support each individual learning community achieve their own vision.  

Our Strategic Intentions define our core activity within five key areas: mission focus; growing community; holistic learning; equipping governance; and strengthening agility and sustainability of learning communities. 

Delivering on our Strategic Intentions will strengthen our community and ensure the long-term sustainable success of each learning community.  

Click here to view a copy of the LESNW Strategic Intentions 2024-27.

The Lutheran Education SA, NT & WA Strategic Intentions 2021-23 have been formed through the Board to provide clarity of direction to associated learning communities, for the next three years. It is a document for LESNW collectively, that when outworked will support each individual learning community achieve their own vision.  

Our Strategic Intentions define our core activity within five key areas: mission focus; growing community; holistic learning; equipping governance; and strengthening agility and sustainability of learning communities. 

Delivering on our Strategic Intentions will strengthen our community and ensure the long-term sustainable success of each learning community.  

Click here to view a copy of the LESNW Strategic Intentions 2021-23.

Annual Reports

Providing a comprehensive report detailing the Associations activities throughout the preceding year allows us and our learning communities to reflect on our achievements and financial performance. 

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