Women In Leadership Update

After nine forum session involving interested women in leadership in LESNW representing a wide range of experience, roles, and learning community settings and locations; the following key areas have been identified as areas for action:

Empowering and Equipping women in and for leadership roles


  • Regular forums (specific topic or key speaker or catchups)
  • Conferences
  • Retreats (facilitated by women, possible spiritual focus, empowering women as spiritual leaders in their schools)


  • Application for roles, CV development, interview process
  • Financial Literacy
  • Industrial Issues – knowledge of the award (key aspects, support)
  • Spiritual leadership – what does this look like in a Lutheran school for women?
  • Mentoring and Coaching models
  • Toolkit for managing inequity/gendered situations, use of language, responding to misogyny, calling out inappropriate behavior and comments 

Informing and Educating

This will include building awareness of outcomes which have emerged from the forums including the need to create a safe, respectful, inclusive culture for women, greater representation of women in principal and senior leadership roles and boards, re-imagining leadership models and structures, consideration of greater flexibility for role, the role of women as spiritual leaders in Lutheran schools.

  1. LESNW Board
  2. All principals
  3. School Boards
  4. Church

Alternative models of leadership, particularly in relation to the principal role 

This connects with a broader exploration of models of leadership and of alternative leadership structures including collaboration between schools to share complementary skill sets and identifying ways of reducing ‘administration’ from principal roles.

A Teams channel has been set up to share ideas, resources and strategies for “Empowering and Equipping”. Dates for generative meetings will be provided before the end of the year.


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