Nurturing the Expression of Grace as a Reflection of God’s Unconditional Love Through Jesus

Recently members of the LESNW Board, Finance Risk and Audit Committee and regional office staff team were involved in a Risk Profiling Workshop which incorporated exploring a SWOT analysis of the LESNW Strategic Intentions, including Goal 1. ‘Nurturing the expression of grace as a reflection of God’s unconditional love through Jesus’.

It was reflected that across our learning communities there are regular opportunities for staff, students and also families to hear of the amazing love and grace of God and the invitation to come into a personal relationship with Jesus. Through our daily interactions with members within our communities there are many ways in which grace can be imparted and thereby experienced. Through acts of care, compassion, inclusion and forgiveness that reflect a culture of grace we can live out this intention.

The reality however is that in our brokenness we can sometimes show a lack of grace towards others due to preoccupation with our own selfish desires and identity.  

We have all seen and heard the acronym of WWJD. What would Jesus Do? If this was to become the lens through which our every interaction with others was viewed, how might this impact on the culture of our communities?

Ironically at this time we are confronted with the reality of something that has the potential to be very divisive in our learning communities and broader community, namely mandated COVID-19 vaccinations. How might the expression of this goal positively impact your community through this situation?

As each person has free will and the power to exercise choice, what Jesus would do is meet people at their point of need. He would not impose himself upon others. Rather, he would impart unconditional love, care, genuine empathy and understanding.

We do not have the capacity to change any potential consequences of choices made by individual members of our communities, but we can positively impact on how people are treated and how they feel through modelling love, sensitivity, and care.

As you work with members of your community in navigating through the government’s mandated COVID-19 vaccination requirements, I pray that through reflecting WWJD your community is a place of grace.


John Proeve


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