Let them come to Him

As part of a learning communities new staff induction this year, I was asked to present an overview of LESNW and also include five key aspects of Lutheran Education. Whilst there may be some debate on alternatives or additions, I provided the following five, with obvious elaboration and connection to how it looks and feels in a Lutheran learning community.

  • The Bible is the source of Truth
  • Grace
  • Gifts and talents for service.
  • Vocation (everyone has a purpose)
  • Care for His creation (people and place)

The important ingredient to make this all work though, is the staff and leaders in our community.

The following passage provides us with some guidance on how we can engage and interact to can make a sustained difference:

“When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’” Mark 10:14 -15

Jesus highlights the importance of receiving the kingdom of God with the humility and openness of a child. For leaders, this means being open to new ideas, feedback, and continuous learning.

 Jesus’ invitation to let the children come to Him underscores the value of inclusivity. Effective leaders create environments where everyone feels welcome and valued.

This passage also aligns with the broader theme of servant leadership found throughout the Gospels.

The childlike faith Jesus refers to is characterised by trust and dependence. Leaders can draw from this by fostering a culture of trust within their teams.

In summary, Mark 10:14-15 encourages us all to embody humility, inclusivity, servant leadership, and trust. I also suggest that equal measures of wisdom, compassion and courage are helpful ingredients to enable us to lead effectively.

May your leadership be blessed this year and your learning communities continue to be places where God’s story can continue to flow and transform the lives of the young people in our care.


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