LESNW Principal Delegates Synod Report

The 21st Convention of Synod of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ) 4 – 7 Oct, recently held at Concordia College, Adelaide, was both an encouraging and challenging moment for our church. The central theme for the convention was ‘The Gift of God – it’s grace that unites us.’ The coming together of over 370 pastor and lay delegates representing the full range of our church across Australia and New Zealand was an amazing and uplifting reminder of the shared understanding of this important message of God’s powerful grace, the key belief that unites what it is to be Lutheran. Lutheran Education Australia was represented by six principals, two from each district including: Daryl Trigg, Matthew Qualischefski, Brad Moss, Jacqui Layfield, Doug Braiden and Trudy Moala.  

Being the highest governance and decision making body in the LCANZ, the Convention of Synod despite being a positive reconnection of Lutherans for devotion and worship, was also an important time for discussion and business.  

To accompany the detailed and copious book of reports (379 pages) presentations were received from LCA International Mission, Australian Lutheran College, Lutheran Laypeople’s League, Local Mission, General Church Board, Finke River Mission, Lutheran Women Australia, Australian Lutheran World Service and Lutheran Education Australia. A number of proposals had been brought to the synod from LCANZ boards, councils, commissions, districts, parishes and congregations for consideration, each with their own degree of governance importance.  

There were a small number of items that dominated discussion with strongly held views both for and against. The largest of these was the consideration and adoption of the Way Forward Detailed Framework, which changes the LCANZ’s teachings on the eligibility of all for ordination. With this passing a two thirds majority by only 18 votes, there was a sense of hope for the church while also acknowledgement that there are still many who do not share the same view. Separate communication from Paul Smith, Bishop was received by principals speaking to this this particular matter.  

Other matters of a minimum tenure for pastors prior to nomination for bishop, reinstatement of district bishops to the General Church Board and LCANZ to become a full member of the Lutheran World Federation were not carried by vote following lengthy discussion. It was passed to form a Training and Accreditation Authority and to adopt the new ALWS Constitution. The work of the Training and Accreditation Authority will be of particular interest to Lutheran schools as it takes shape and the working party determines its terms of reference. Feedback on this is encouraged through Lutheran Education Australia as the process occurs. 

Interestingly, despite the sometimes contentious matters being debated and also in the announcement of particular vote outcomes, there was an air of calm, respect and order. We thank the significant work of the General Church Board, Paul Smith: Bishop, District Bishops and assistant bishops, Secretary of the Church and all of those staff and volunteers who worked to support the business sessions, worship and hospitality for the event. Our prayers continue to support the work of the GCB, Bishops and church offices in the outworking of the decisions made at this synod and blessings as they navigate the work of continuing to unite our church with a single message of God’s gift of Grace for all. 

If you have any questions or would like to understand more about the Convention of Synod, please either contact Daryl or Matt.

Matthew Qualischefski
Principal | Good Shepherd Lutheran College

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