I Wonder …
Have you ever had your breath taken by an amazing sunset? Or been driving and wondered about that huge glow on the night horizon only to realise it was an enormous moon rising? Or, have you heard a beautiful piece of music that gave you goosebumps?
These are all moments when you feel the emotion of awe or wonder.
The University of California, Berkeley has a field of science to study the effects of awe and wonder. It is an emerging field of psychology which is revealing just how important it is for people to experience the emotions of awe and wonder. For example, people who experience awe have increased feelings of connectedness, increased critical thinking, a more positive mood and are less materialistic. Experiencing awe also makes people kinder and more generous. Experiencing awe lowers blood pressure and reduces stress, not only at the time that one is experiencing the emotion, but for weeks afterward. (Summer Allen. September 2019)
Most children experience wonder and awe easily. Every new experience is a trigger for this emotion as children learn about the world around them. But it is easy for adults to lose their sense of awe. This is partially because the world is not quite as mysterious as it was when we were children, but also due to the pace with which we live life. We often miss the awesome…or just don’t take time to enjoy it.
As Christians, we believe that God created the world and everything in it. Awe is what we experience when we take moments to explore, discover and be amazed by creation. The psalmist, David wrote numerous songs expressing his awe of God.
‘I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are you works; my soul knows it very well.’ Psalm 139:14
This year, the St Michael’s staff are being challenged to notice the awe inspiring. I encourage you to take up this challenge also and share with us your moments of awe and wonder; remembering that not only is it a great feeling – but it is great for you!
Terri Taylor
St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School, Principal
** The above devotion was originally published in the St Michael’s Lutheran Primary School Newsletter. In the Term 1, Week 2 Edition, on Thursday 8 February, 2024.
CLICK HERE to view the original posting of this devotion.