HR and Employment Templates Update

As I shared last term, as part of Lucie Lawrence-Wall’s support of LESNW, I have asked her to prepare a range of HR and employment templates that reflect the engagement and requests she has had with and from our learning communities.

All learning communities should have received the following process documents and letter templates mid last term. These templates will still need to be amended depending on the facts and circumstances of the matter, and in accordance with any changes to the Enterprise Agreement or potential (but not currently anticipated) legislative changes.

Redundancy – Teacher

  • Redundancy process summary – Teacher
  • Redundancy, Teacher consultation letter
  • Redundancy, Teacher termination or offer of alternative role letter

Redundancy – LSO

  • Redundancy process summary – LSO
  • Redundancy, LSO consultation letter
  • Redundancy, LSO termination or offer of alternative role letter


  • Invitation to meeting, allegations or underperformance letter
  • File note template
  • Warning letter

Performance management

  • Invitation to meeting, allegations or underperformance letter
  • File note template
  • Advising of performance management letter – LSO
  • Advising of performance management letter – Teacher
  • Performance management template x 2

Deed of release (provided as requested and after LESNW guidance)

  • Deed of Release letter of offer.
  • Deed of Release, no claims on foot.

Lucie has now completed producing templates of the following employment contracts, which are aligned with the current EAs and legislative requirements:

  • Teacher, continuing
  • Teacher, fixed term
  • Teacher, casual
  • LSO, continuing
  • LSO, fixed term
  • LSO, casual
  • Head of School, continuing

I will send these to learning communities by the end of next week.

Ongoingly, I will be engaging Piper Alderman to regularly review and update all of these documents and will ensure learning communities are made aware of any updates. I recommend that learning communities store the original documents (and updated versions) in a location that can be referenced for the production of site-specific documentation.

The development of additional templates will be considered based on the level of need and systemic value to our learning communities. Please let me know of other such templates you believe would be of such need and value.

Finally, The P&D Executive will soon contact principals to gain feedback on the proposed LESNW Engagement Guidelines for Principals, Salaries and Conditions (2024 – 2025), which they have been negotiating on behalf of principals.

Craig Fielke
Executive Director


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