Governance Corner

The board were fortunate to hear from David Wilksch, our Principal Growth Director, and Jane Mueller, our Governance Leadership Director at our recent board meeting. Hearing first-hand the amazing work that is being done in these areas by these gifted and committed people is inspiring and encouraging. Gaining direct feedback from our key leaders is a great way of ensuring that we are well on our way to achieve our strategic intentions. We strongly feel that the work being done in this space is having a positive effect in our learning communities. It is also wonderful to hear of the comradery and sense of community with learning communities coming together to share ideas, experience and support to each other.

I would encourage all of our boards to include key stakeholders reports and feedback in their meeting calendar of events during the year. It is a great way to gain valuable feedback on how your learning community is tracking on a regular basis in key areas of its operation.

Yours in His service



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