FREE – The Future will not be Taught
The Director of Learning and Innovation at Learnlife in Barcelona has recently released his new book focused on Reimagining Education and Building Thriving Learning Communities.
Learn Life has released this new book for free download to everyone in the education community.
You can download your copy here.
About The Book
The Future Will Not Be Taught is a roadmap out of the global crisis in education and toward a future in which all learners thrive: they have agency, feel a sense of purpose, and love learning. It is your how-to guide in designing and implementing a compelling vision for your learning community.
Whether you are a teacher striving to apply innovative learning strategies, a school leader working to transform your school, or a changemaker launching an innovative learning community, you’ll find practical tools to help implement a new paradigm of learning.
The Future Will Not Be Taught is packed with real-world examples and confidence-building tools that you can adapt to your own learning environment. The journey begins with co-creating a vision for your learning community, and designing its unique approach to quality learning. Delve into the mindsets needed to break free from the traditional educational paradigm and discover how to build a champion team that will drive the vision.
With numerous examples as your guide, learn what it means to be a learning guide who can design dynamic programs and authentic learning experiences in a new learning paradigm. From navigating the complex choices of creating a curriculum and assessment model that learners value to growing a positive culture of learning, this book explores the difficulties of balancing autonomy, support, and accountability, and offers real-life solutions.