Engaging in Networks of Collaboration Within and Beyond LESNW for the Emerging Future
Sharing Our Story
Compassionate Systems Asia Pacific Community Call
LESNW Strategic Intentions includes the following:
- Goal 2 Growing Community: Actively create, seek and promote multiple opportunities for individuals and learning communities to engage with, learn from and assist others within, across and beyond our community of communities
- Goal 5 Equipping Leadership for the emerging future: Develop and implement networks/collaboration for the emerging future
One of the ways LESNW is networking and collaborating outside of LESNW nationally and internationally is through the Compassionate Systems Collective. During the past 5 weeks, leaders in LESNW who have been engaged with compassionate systems have taken part in the Asia Pacific Calls which have occurred for 90 mins every Wednesday evening.
Practitioners share their stories, with a focus on impact and engagement. Last Wednesday it was our turn! Steve Jude and Andrew Jericho demonstrated great courage to share their personal leadership story and organisational transformation occurring at Navigator College with John Proeve and Mignon Weckert providing the context for the transformation. There was great support and engagement from the participants from schools across Asia Pacific as well as the Centre for Systems Awareness including Peter Senge. If you are interested in hearing what was shared you can access via this link.
St Martin’s Mt Gambier: Equipping Leadership for the Emerging Future
Last Friday the leadership team at St Martin’s began their engagement with awareness-based practices and systems thinking grounded in Growing deep.
They engaged in deep empathic listening, considered the role of mental models through ‘how we show up’ and then engaged in extended personal refection through guided journaling which revealed personal or professional areas of aspiration as well as current barriers and enablers.
During the final session the leaders worked in pairs and small groups using the ‘ice-berg model’ to explore the ‘current reality’ of a whole school or section of the school aspiration.
It was a privilege to have head of senior school at Encounter Lutheran College Penny McKenzie join me in co-leading the Lab, sharing practical examples of this approach in action and the impact on her leadership. Penny shared with the group her passion for regional and remote schools and eagerness to support leadership development at St Martin’s.
Sincere thanks to principal of Encounter Lutheran College Kelvin Grivell for releasing Penny to support leadership development at St Martin’s and to live and enable the LESNW vision as a community of learning communities that is thriving, supportive and compassionate, having a common foundation, that collaborate to enable each community to achieve its vision.
Women in Leadership Forums
The Forum at the Archer Hotel on the 14th of June is now fully subscribed. There are still spaces for the Forums on the 16th and 22nd. To ensure your place at the venue please register via the LESNW Events calendar.