Education Leader – Christian Studies Announcement
As communicated in Term 4 2023, due to Sue Kupke undertaking the Lutheran Education Australia (LEA) position of Director of Formation from February 2024, a transition plan was put into place for this position. This resulted in Renee Wehner accepting a 1-year contract, with the understanding that in the second half of 2024, a recruitment process would be undertaken to fill this role ongoingly from the beginning of 2025.
The advertising for this permanent position occurred in mid-June 2024 and we have recently completed the recruitment process.
I am pleased to announce that Renee Wehner is the successful candidate. We are looking forward to Renee’s continued expertise and experience and the important support, guidance and leadership she will provide to our learning communities. Renee has the wisdom and vision that will also enable LESNW to both respond to a changing world and influence the innovations and enhancements needed to maintain both the authenticity and relevance of Christian Studies for our learning communities.
Craig Fielke
LESNW Executive Director