Day 1 of Building the Capacity of Leaders in LESNW to hold space for themselves
Compassionate Systems Deepening Practice (Day 1)
The focus of this series of workshops is to create the conditions for leaders in LESNW to grow their capabilities as described in Growing deep, building personal mastery, team learning and exploring complexity using compassionate systems tools and practices. The Mandala for Systems Change is used as a scaffold to shape thinking around personal and professional aspirations and bringing the vision into reality.
The day included space for Allison Barclay, Head of Junior School at Navigator College, to share the growth of her own self-awareness through the process of leading this way of being in the college with all stakeholders; staff, students and parents.
Some of the initial reflections included the following:
“I came into this day thinking that I would make a list of all the things I needed to do in my leadership role, and have realised, after doing just that, the first and most important thing I need to do is to create a generative social field with the team.”
“I now realise that this is not about implementing Compassionate Systems but using the tools and practices to deeply understand our school values and to live them as staff, children, parents, community.”
“If our schools in this region, can work together on this way of being, imagine the impact this will have on all the children, their families and communities!”