CS Workshops
CS Inductions
In Term 1, two inductions are available – inductions for teachers new to Christian Studies and for people in positions of leadership with responsibility for Christian Studies and Accreditation. Please register via LESNW Events.
NB: Due to demand in previous years, all inductions are offered at least twice.
Term 1 options are:
- CS Induction for New Christian Studies Leaders
Event for: New Christian Studies Leaders, Principals, Deputies, Heads of Schools
Purpose: This is a 60-minute induction via Teams. It is for newly appointed CS Leaders and other Leaders who would like to know more about CS and Accreditation and/or have responsibility for CS and Accreditation. This induction will give an orientation to CS, Christian education, Accreditation requirements, and other professional learning opportunities of interest.
Date/s and time/s:Monday 12 February | 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Thursday 15 February | 3:30pm – 4:30pm
Location: ONLINE via Teams. - CS Induction for New Christian Studies Teachers
Event for: New Christian Studies teachers
Purpose: This is a 45-minute induction via Teams for new teachers of CS. It provides an initial orientation to CS and Christian education in Lutheran education, the pathway for LCA & LEA Accreditation, and helps identify key support people. This time will briefly outline key resources and clarify terminology associated with CS in the Lutheran context.
Date/s and time/s:Monday 19 February | 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Thursday 22 February | 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Monday 26 February | 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Thursday 29 February | 3:30pm – 4:15pm
Location: ONLINE via Teams.
CS Leaders Workshops
Early Years and Primary: Teaching and Learning and CS Leaders
Date claimer: 23rd and 24th May, venue to be confirmed.
Due to the success of last year’s two-day workshop with Teaching and Learning and CS Leaders, we have been encouraged to offer a similar model this year. More details to follow, but the 2 days will include Free to flourish, stories from learning communities and a focus on assessment.
Secondary CS Leaders
As the SACE Spiritualities, Religion and Meaning project concluded at the end of 2023, a small planning committee has been formed. They will meet in the first half of Term 1 to determine the focus and direction for 2024 and then information will be emailed to all Secondary CS Leaders later this term.
2024 Learning Community Support
In follow up to Renee’s introductory email to all Early Years and Primary CS Leaders, both Andrew and Renee are aiming to establish connections with Teaching and Learning Leaders and Christian Studies Leaders. To support schools with their important work of leading Christian Studies, as well as discuss their learning community’s story, initiatives and priorities. This will enable Andrew and Renee to explore potential areas of collaboration and identify ways in which they can offer support. If you would like to initiate this connection, please do not hesitate to email Andrew and Renee.