Becoming a Compassionate System which is “Free to Flourish”


The Growing Deep Leadership and Formation Framework articulates what it means to “participate work and flourish” in a Lutheran education community. The Compassionate Systems Framework provides the tools and practices to enable individuals, teams and stakeholders to embody the principles of Growing Deep. 

The LESNW Regional Office and its’ partnership with the Woodleigh Institute will be offering a range of professional learning opportunities to grow in awareness and practice.

LESNW Facilitated Learning

1. Leadership Learning Lab 1.0  

Building awareness of Compassionate Systems tools and practices connecting to the leadership capabilities in Growing deep. Compassionate Systems draws on practices that are effective in building individual insight and well-being and extends them to include the strengthening of interpersonal relationships while deepening the understanding of how the whole system contributes to outcomes.  

 Participants will: 

  • Develop personal mastery, team learning and systems awareness to support innovation and improvement. 
  • Build leadership capabilities and practices grounded in Growing deep using Compassionate Systems tools and practices. 
  • Develop a community of practice and trust. 

 This professional learning will be facilitated by Stephen Jude (Principal Navigator College ELC-Yr 12).  

This lab is relevant to principals, directors, heads of school, middle/senior leaders, board chairs and anyone in a leadership role. Teams of up to 4 are welcome to register.  

 Participants are required to attend all sessions. 

Day 1 – 12th May 
Day 2 – 13th June 
Day 3 – 7th August 
Day 4 –12th September 

 Location: Regional Office, 137 Archer Street, North Adelaide 

2. Compassionate Systems: Deepening Practice 

 Pre-requisite for this professional learning: participation in Lab 1.0, Lab 1.5, whole school engagement over a year or equivalent. Participants are required to attend all sessions. 

 Participants will: 

  • Deepen understanding of and engagement with Compassionate Systems tools and practices. 
  • Develop a project related to their work and their personal development. 
  • Build capabilities for leading Compassionate Systems within their learning community. 
  • Engage in practical stories from teachers and leaders who are using the CS tools and practices in their learning communities. 

 This professional learning will be facilitated by Mignon Weckert (Educational Leadership Director) with input from current leaders in LESNW learning communities who have been working with Compassionate Systems and will share their expertise and insights throughout the sessions. 

Day 1 –19th February 
Day 2 –3rd April 
Day 3 –16th May 
Day 4 –15th August 

 Location: Regional Office, 137 Archer Street, North Adelaide 

3. Growing a collaborative approach to leadership with executive teams using compassionate systems tools and practices 

Executive leadership teams can be supported to grow personal and collective leadership which reflects the capabilities from Growing deep using Compassionate Systems tools and practices.  

Contact Mignon Weckert in the regional office to explore dates and contexts for 2025. 

4. Whole staff engagement with compassionate systems tools and practices. 

Leaders wanting to engage all staff in the use of compassionate systems tools and practices are encouraged to contact Mignon Weckert to discuss a strategic approach to meaningful engagement which reflects the context and vision for the learning community.  

LESNW/Woodleigh Institute Partnership 

  • ReimaginED25 Fremantle 11 – 12 April 2025 The emerging futures for education  
  • Compassionate Systems Leadership Retreat June 16-18 Barossa Valley 
  • Discovery and Exploring Workshop Series: A range of 1- and 2-day workshops will be offered for teachers and leaders.
    More details about these workshops can be found here.

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