Becoming a Compassionate System: Sharing Our Stories

On Friday the 16th of August, leaders and teachers from our learning communities shared their stories of engaging Compassionate Systems tools and practices to become “Free to Flourish”: “Compassionate, Relational, Adventurous and Purposeful”.

The contexts ranged from large urban primary schools, to small rural schools, to an ELC-Year 12 regional school. They all shared common threads of being not doing, of growing vulnerability and trust, of deep listening and personal growth and most importantly nurturing the social field. What a joy and inspiration this day was and evidence of LESNW becoming a Compassionate System.  

You can read feedback from participants of Compassionate Systems: Deepening Practice below.

If you are interested in engaging with compassionate systems as a leader, within your leadership team or as a whole school, don’t hesitate to contact me here


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