The Principal Growth Director

Greetings one and all, as you journey though these important days and give energy to your leadership teams, staff, students and parents.   

My sincere thanks and appreciation for your collective support and encouragement.  I am excited about 2024, plans and projects aimed to support leaders to thrive both professionally and personally.    

PGD priorities as the year commences:

  1. Review, refine and launch the Principal Professional Growth and Development Framework, in response to leaders’ feedback in 2023. 
  2. Establishment of mentor, coaching, supervision and counselling resources for principals and directors. 
  3. Support for principals new in leadership roles in 2024, through the Y1 Leaders Network and customized support facilitated at individual sites. 
  4. Support for newly established leadership teams – ‘Living our Values’ workshops. 
  5. Joint project with AISSA – Principal Professional Standards and Wellbeing. 
  6. Responsive support for principals and directors.  

A reminder that the PGD role was essentially developed by principals and directors, for principals and directors.  I welcome your connection, feedback and questions, and value opportunity to connect face-to-face as you are able. 

David Wilksch
LESNW Principal Growth Director


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