How Might We Grow the Capabilities in Ourselves and Others?

How might we grow the capabilities in ourselves and others, needed to lead our learning communities for the emerging future? 

LAB 1.0  

Growing and developing leadership capabilities described in Growing deep using Compassionate Systems tools and practices. 

Compassionate Systems draws on practices that are effective in building individual insight and well-being and extends them to include the strengthening of interpersonal relationships while deepening the understanding of how the whole system contributes to outcomes.  

Participants will:  

  • Develop personal mastery, team learning and systems awareness to support innovation and improvement. 
  • Build leadership capabilities and practices grounded in Growing deep 
  • Develop a community of practice and trust. 

This professional learning will be facilitated by Stephen Jude, Navigator College Principal. Steve has been working with Compassionate Systems and what this means for personal, staff, student and wider systems growth and development for the past 6 years.  

Teams up of up to 4 are welcome to register. Participants are required to attend all sessions. 

Monday 13th May 
Friday 14th June  
Thursday 8th August 
Friday 13th September 

Location: Regional Office 137 Archer Street North Adelaide 
Cost: free 

CLICK HERE to register.


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