Governance Corner
As I reflect on our monthly board meeting that was held this week, I am filled with a sense of pride and anticipation when we hear of so much positive activity within the region. We were fortunate to have Mignon Weckert share the work that she and her team are doing, particularly with Compassionate Systems. In a time where there is such a need for a sense of being valued and engaged with (not just in our teaching cohort but as a wider community of Learning Communities), the work that is being done in this space is encouraging and exciting. This for me is a real point of difference in the education space that I am sure will have a positive effect moving forward.
We also heard from Brad Richmond and the work that is being done by him, his great finance team and FRAC in relation to strategic growth opportunities within the region. As I mentioned at the AGM, if we are standing still we are essentially going backwards, so this is a vital piece of work that will help our region thrive into the future. More will be shared over the coming months, and as always we value your feedback and input to enable us to provide you with the best support and resource that is possible.
The subject of board succession planning was also highlighted at our meeting. It is always a challenge to find key board members that provide a wide variety of skills and experience. Our board is no different. Continuity is vital for an organisation and so having a smooth transition of board members is key to this success. I must admit that it’s easy to overlook these types of things as a board chair when there are so many other demands that we face, but it is vital for the smooth running of an organisation. Over the coming few months, we will be seeking additional people to join us on the LESNW board as there will be a couple of vacancies in 2025. I encourage you to prayerfully consider your involvement. I can guarantee you that it is fulfilling and exciting to be part of such a dynamic organisation that has incredible passion to provide positive outcomes for our Learning Communities. And just because you may be interstate, please don’t think that you cannot be a part of the board. Most boards now will have a mix of in-house and online modes of communication and meeting.
I’ll finish off with a quote from the Free to Flourish Introduction which for me is at the heart of what we do and why we do it:
Everyone has a story. Our story reminds us of who we are, and who we are becoming.
Free to Flourish is the story for Lutheran schools and early childhood services, grounded in Christian beliefs and values and a catalyst for ongoing improvement and innovation.
Our learning story inspires a deep understanding of who we are and how we are created for relationship with God and all creation. We seek to honour the wisdom of our First Nations People as we grow appreciation of the interconnectedness of all.
Embracing the future with confidence, our learning communities grow learners who are compassionate, purposeful, adventurous, and relational.
We are free to flourish.
Yours in His service