Governance Corner
As our AGM draws near, I have been looking back over the past 12 months and have been humbled by the great work that the LESNW board and regional team continue to do to partner with our learning communities. As a board and as a board member, it is important to strike the right balance of the organisation’s risk appetite without jeopardising opportunities that are available. The coming few years I believe will be an exciting time for Lutheran Education with opportunities within our region being considered, along with ensuring that we have the healthiest system we can through supporting each learning community along their own journey.
The board and regional team have been reviewing the LESNW strategic Intentions to ensure that we are able to provide the best support and service to you as well as seek out new opportunities to increase our footprint within the region over the coming years. We will continue to seek your valuable and valued feedback to ensure we are hitting the mark.
Some of the projects/areas we are looking at currently (to name only a few) are:
- Our marketing strategy across the region and how this can best be served.
- The governance committee looking at our policies to ensure they are up to date and suitable.
- Reviewing the constitution to ensure that it is still suitable.
- Identifying areas of growth to help increase our footprint within the region
- Identifying ways we can improve our relationships with our key stakeholders so Lutheran Education doesn’t just survive, but thrive into the future
As a board member it is energising to be part of a team/family that is so passionate and invested in what they do!
I look forward to seeing you either online or in person at our AGM next week.
Yours in His service
Paul Bert
LESNW Board Chair