Equipping Leaders for the Emerging Future: Professional Learning Opportunities for 2024

1. Lab 1.0: Building awareness of Compassionate Systems tools and practices connecting to the leadership capabilities in Growing deep.

Compassionate Systems draws on practices that are effective in building individual insight and well-being and extends them to include the strengthening of interpersonal relationships while deepening the understanding of how the whole system contributes to outcomes. 

Participants will: 

  • Develop personal mastery, team learning and systems awareness to support innovation and improvement. 
  • Build leadership capabilities and practices grounded in Growing deep using Compassionate Systems tools and practices. 
  • Develop a community of practice and trust. 

This professional learning will be facilitated by Stephen Jude (Principal Navigator College ELC-Year 12). Steve has been working with Compassionate Systems and what this means for personal, staff, student and wider systems growth and development for the past 6 years.  

This lab is relevant to principals, directors, heads of school, middle/senior leaders and anyone in a leadership role. Teams up of up to 4 are welcome to register. Participants are required to attend all sessions. 


  • Monday 13th May
  • Friday 14th June  
  • Thursday 8th August
  • Friday 13th September 

Location: Regional Office 137 Archer Street North Adelaide
Cost: free 

Register Here.

“Meeting others and making connections, feelings less ‘in your head’ as you realise others are in the same position as you, learning different strategies to support compassion and empathy through changing mindsets and creating a generative social field” 


2. Compassionate Systems: Deepening Practice  

Pre-requisite for this professional learning: participation in Lab 1.0, Lab 1.5,orwhole school engagement over a year or equivalent (principals, leaders, teachers, staff). 
Participants are required to attend all sessions. 

 Participants will: 

  • Deepen understanding of and engagement with Compassionate Systems tools and practices. 
  • Develop a project related to their work and their personal development. 
  • Build capabilities for leading Compassionate Systems within their learning community. 
  • Engage in practical stories from teachers and leaders who are using the CS tools and practices in their learning communities.  

This professional learning will be co-lead by Mignon Weckert (Educational Leadership Director) and a team of current leaders in LESNW learning communities who will share their expertise and insights throughout the sessions.  


  • Tuesday February 20
  • Wednesday April 3 
  • Thursday 16th May
  • Friday 16th August 

Location: Regional Office 137 Archer Street North Adelaide 

Register Here.


3. Professional learning opportunities facilitated in partnership with Woodleigh Institute: 


  • Exploring a Systems Approach to Well-being 

Dates: 7th and 8th March
Location: LESNW Regional Office, 137 Archer Street, North Adelaide
Facilitation: Dr Richard Owens and Mignon Weckert
Audience: Teachers, Leaders of Learning and Wellbeing
Duration and delivery mode: 2-day onsite workshop 
Cost: $350 

Register Here.

  •  The Compassionate Systems Leadership Retreat  

The immersive nature of the retreat is designed to support deep conversation and collaboration, while nurturing personal growth and wellbeing. An important feature of the retreat is the opportunity to connect with a creative and supportive community of compassionate system practitioners. 

Audience: Teachers, Middle Leaders, Principals, System Leaders and Compassionate Systems Practitioners 
Duration and delivery mode: 3-day onsite retreat 
Access: Open to anyone that has completed related prior learning through the Centre for System Awareness, or a workshop facilitated by a Compassionate Systems Master Practitioner. 
Dates: May 22-24 
Location Mornington Peninsula, Victoria 

Register Here. 

  • Cultivating Systems Awareness Through Learning Design 

A feature of the workshop will be the opportunity for the exploration of tools and strategies for use in the classroom. 

 Dates: August 22 and 23  
Location: LESNW Regional Office, 137 Archer Street 
Facilitators James Clapham (teacher at Woodleigh School and Master Practitioner) and Mignon Weckert 
Audience: This workshop is suitable for teachers, teaching and learning leaders. 
Duration and delivery mode 2-day onsite workshop  
Registration: Coming Soon 
Cost: $350 

  • Compassionate Systems Asia Pacific Calls: Connection to practitioners within and beyond LESNW  

The Asia-Pacific Community Calls have been developed to support connection, collaboration, and learning for Compassionate Systems practitioners in the region. The calls take the form of a series of monthly virtual sessions that will be held throughout the year. Each session will feature a grounding meditation, a presentation on the use of a specific tools or practice from a regional practitioner, and small group discussion. The calls are an opportunity to connect with practitioners from across the region to explore challenges and areas for innovation, share practice and learn from each other. 

Who should participate: Anyone that has completed related prior learning of Compassionate Systems through LESNW or the Centre for Systems Awareness.  
Structure: A series of 90 minute online workshops 
Location: Online (free) 
Dates: TBC

Register Here.

Please email the Office if you have any questions regarding the above information.


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