Christian Studies Update
What’s Happened?
Equip 1 – Day 1 on 26 May
A new group of Christian Studies teachers from Encounter Lutheran College, Salisbury Kindergarten, and Golden Grove Lutheran have started their Equip journey online. A wonderful group of teachers enthusiastically engaged and explored the CSCF and discovered what it means for them and their students.
Christian Studies Leaders workshops
A group of CS leaders participated in a series of full day workshops over 4 days. They were in small groups, various locations, and modes over the week and designed in response to the requests of CS Leaders:
- Secondary SRM – CS Leaders shared, reflected on experiences, planned and supported each other to work towards full implementation of the SACE SRM from 2023. We also had the privilege to hear and plan with SACE Education Consultants Virginia Thompson and Kate Leadbeater.
- Primary CS Leaders connected via three separate offerings. Our Saviour Lutheran Church and Langmeil Lutheran Church hosted us for two of these sessions. Guest speakers from each congregation shared wonderful insights into all aspects of their church. The third session was online allowing our regional learning communities to connect and collaborate. Each session allowed us to investigate the Key Idea: The Christian community is shaped by and shapes its cultural and historical contexts. We conceptualised the learning statements, explored the theological notes, tuned into experts and explored the implications for each learning community.
CS Online Community
Coming Up
Please visit LESNW Events to register for upcoming Equip workshop days.
2022 Equip 1 | 2022 Equip 2 |
Term 2: Equip 1 in Darwin | Term 3: Equip 2 in Darwin |
Equip 1B Online + face to face | Equip 2B Face to face |
Equip 1C Online + face to face | Equip 2C Online + face to face |
CS Grow
Christian Studies teachers in the Lutheran system keep their LEA Accreditation current by engaging in 5 hours of professional learning each year related to Christian Studies and the CSCF. CS Grow workshops meet these requirements and are developed in response to requests from leaders. The final offerings for term 2 are below; please register via LESNW Events.
NB. Hours engaged in CS Grow also count towards Teacher’s Registration Board requirements.
CS Grow: | Friday 10 June, 9 am – 12 noon via MS Teams. |
CS Grow: Christian Church Key Idea 2: | Friday 10 June 1 pm – 3 pm via MS Teams. |
For Christian Studies enquiries, please contact LESNW Education Leaders Andrew Bradtke and Sue Kupke.
andrew.bradtke@lesnw.edu.au | sue.kupke@lesnw.edu.au