Becoming a Compassionate System
Inspiring engagement in Alice Springs at Living Waters Lutheran Primary School during their whole staff professional learning day focusing on becoming a Compassionate System.
- All staff growing skills and practices to support personal and collective well-being through developing somatic, perceptive, relational, and aspirational awareness.
- All voices valued via use of the systems thinking Ice-berg.
- Wide stakeholder engagement with school board listening to the impact of compassionate systems at LW and the wider LESNW learning community.
Tatachilla Lutheran College Executive prioritised time engaging with Compassionate Systems tools and practices to become a ‘healthy’ team that leads the vision and mission of the College starting with their ‘inner’ conditions.
The team used the systems thinking ‘stocks and flows’ tool, to explore what would increase and what would deplete the ‘health’ of the team.
Immanuel Primary Novar Gardens Executive used the personal systems thinking iceberg (analytical and aspirational) to explore how they want to ‘be’ moving into Term 2 and what actions and practices will assist them to grow relevant capabilities. “Without accountability to these, we will just forget and go back to our habitual ways of being.” “In what ways can we demonstrate personal growth?”
The group intends to meet again in two weeks building on the insights from this session moving from personal to team learning.